The sweet spot of parenting

My So-Called Mommy Life

I got the kids dressed and ready to leave. We had to be at the park to meet friends in 10 minutes. As I hurried them out the door, I grabbed my coat and my purse, locked the door and left. We got where we needed to go in time, but it didn’t hit me until […]

Raising a skinny daughter

My So-Called Mommy Life skinny daughter

It was a pretty normal summers day. The kids had been at summer day camp all day and my husband and I relaxed by the lake. At the summer camp they attend, parents do daily drop-off and pick up. This is a huge bonus because we, the parents, are able to meet the staff, meet […]

We’ve banned TV during the week

NO TV my so-called mommy life

We’ve banned TV from Monday’s to Fridays in our house.  To be honest, I can’t decide if it’s the best thing I’ve done or the dumbest thing I’ve done. Time will tell.  For those of you who have been faithful followers of My So-Called Mommy Life, you will remember reading a post a few years […]

Today you are 4

Dear Little Dude, It is mind-boggling that you are turning 4 today (I’m 2 days late! It was on Monday July 17)! I remember being pregnant with you like it was yesterday and here we are with you turning four and starting JK in September! Before I wrote this letter, I went back and read […]

No more bottles

Comotomo bottles

Three years ago, as I was weaning Little Dude from breast-feeding, I did something that I thought was ok, but my pediatrician and husband disagreed.  I introduced a bottle. Little Dude was obsessed with my breasts for one week shy of 13 months. He would pull my shirt down in music class just to take a […]

14 experiences I had that my kids won’t

Phone booth My So-Called Mommy Life

On Friday night, my husband and I took our kids to a restaurant for dinner. The Shabbat dinner that we usually have at my parents wasn’t happening and I was being lazy and didn’t feel like cooking so going to a restaurant was an easy choice. After we parked the car, unloaded the kids, we […]

That time another mom laughed at me

My So-Called Mommy Life

Princess Peach’s school dismisses the Kindergarten students at 3:20PM which is 10 minutes before the rest of the students at the school. Right after dismissal Princess Peach likes to play around in the school yard and we often make our way over to the playground so Princess Peach can play with her friends. But, a […]

My love/hate relationships with online buy and sell groups

Dear Moms and Dads in buy and sell groups, I’m a mom and I like nice things. I like my kids to have nice things. I’m sure you like your kids to have nice things too. I like to save money when it comes to my kids because most of the clothes I buy them, […]

Don’t feel bad mama! 7 things you need to stop feeling guilty about right now! #EndMomGuilt


Mom guilt. We all have it and it seems to start the second our babies are born. You know what it feels like. Second, third, and fourth guessing every decision you make as a parent. Don’t forget the self-doubt and the never-ending the guilt. It’s time-consuming and emotional. Do I buy the bottles that are […]

Parenting in the summer versus the school year

My So-Called Mommy Life

I don’t know about you but my parenting has been off its game since the summer started. Or, maybe I’m saying it’s been on its game. I’m really not sure but I’ve noticed the parent I am during the summer is remarkably different from how I parent during the school year.  Here’s why: Lunches: During the […]