Dear Princess Peach and Little Dude,
Congrats on completing Grade 3 and Grade 1!!!!
This year you both started at a new school. I remember the first day of school so clearly. It was nerve wrecking. Probably more so for me than you but our entire family was nervous on your first day. You only knew a handful of kids and it’s scary starting somewhere new. But you both rocked it! You were both timid going into the door and one of you cried. I waited by my phone that day waiting for the office to call because one of you were upset. But that never happened. At pick up that day you both walked out of the doors to meet me in the school yard with smiles on your faces. I remember a girl running up to you, Princess Peach and giving you a huge hug. At that moment, I knew we made the right decision.
Even though today is an exciting day, it feels different this year.
Usually the last day of school includes your hands and backpacks full of your school work, random items from your desk and hugs for your teachers and playing with your friends in the school yard. There’s the anticipation in the air of 2 months of no school and 2 months filled with camp and summer adventures.
But not this year.
This year is different. So different than any other year of your short schooling experience thus far and anything your father and I had to deal with as students. At your young age you both had to learn very quickly to be flexible in learning and in life over the past 105 days. Who would have thought that you’d be living through a Pandemic!
When I picked you up on March 13, 2020 from school, I assumed that we’d be off for a few weeks and then you’d be back to school.
Oh, how wrong I was.
You both had to quickly learn how to do school online. There were some bumps along the way especially at the beginning. Little Dude, you didn’t want my help because you thought that meant that you wouldn’t graduate Grade 1. Princess Peach, you thought I didn’t understand or know how to teach Grade 3 even thought I’m a teacher. Some days were better than others, but we eventually figured it out! We got into a groove of at home learning. We did it! You did it!!!
You both worked hard and showed your dad and I that in the face of adversity, you both were able to find consistency under these circumstances.
I have no doubt that much of your success in this online learning model were your teachers. They provided the consistency of learning as well as created a connection with each of you, taking great care into your lives as students and as people. I have no doubt that this connection made each of you feel very supported during a time of uncertainty.
It’s unknown how the next school year will unfold. No one knows yet if you will be back in school in a “normal” way, learning in a hybrid model or online again.
Whatever the challenge put in front of you both, I know you will be fine! You continue to show us time and time again that you are so resilient.
So to my Grade 3 and Grade 1 graduates, Daddy and I are SOOOO proud of you! Both of you are smart, like a challenge and have a love of learning new things!
Let’s have a summer of adventures, ice cream and sunsets!
Love you tons and I couldn’t be more proud of you.
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