Be curious with Ariel #DreamBigPrincess

Disney Princess Royal Shimmer Ariel doll

If you ask Princess Peach who her favourite Disney Princess is, she always responds that she has two favourites- Cinderella and Ariel. She will tell you that she loves Ariel because she has red hair and blue eyes just like her. It has been this way for as long as I can remember. Princess Peach […]

Dear Mr. Ice Cream Truck

Dear Mr. Ice Cream Truck, Hooray! Spring time is here. That means that you can take out your ice cream truck that has collected dust all winter. You can drive around the city visiting schools, parks, and public grounds. Mr. Ice Cream Truck, I think you are great, but I have a little bone to […]

Fit for a dancer at ivivva

Ivivva review

Princess Peach has danced since as soon as she could. When she was two she would dance to the Elmo Slide all the time. Last year, at 3 she started ballet class at a pretty serious ballet school. She loved it but it wasn’t until this year that she has really  taken to dance. She dances for […]

Purifying the air in your house with Dyson Pure Cool™ Link

Dyson Pure Cool™ Link

I always knew I was allergic to dust, mold, and mildew but it wasn’t until I went to over night camp at 11 that we realized how bad it really was. Like really bad. My asthma flared up and my breathing was at times very bad difficult. I was in-and-out of the infirmary many times […]

Just say NO to loot bags

My So-Called Mommy Life

The story goes a bit like this. A parent decides to throw a party for a child. That parents picks the perfect venue, snacks, entertainment etc. The parent invites other kids to celebrate. Those kids arrive carrying presents or nothing if they are smart and do Echoage. The guests have a wonderful time and when […]

Win tickets to see Theresa Caputo in Toronto on June 18th

I’m not sure that I have ever admitted on my blog my love of reality TV shows. So here I am admitting it. I LOVE Reality TV. Love, love, love. When I was growing up, I use to be obsessed with made-for-TV-movies. I would watch each one of them, but as I got older Reality […]

Babylicious: An A+ dining experience

#babylicious Toronto

Two weeks ago, I helped spread the news about the Babylicious dining event in Toronto. PC Organics has teamed up with many popular restaurants in Toronto and are offering a prix fixe menu for the adults, while the kids get their own 3-course meal thanks to PC Organics. Last night Little Dude and I were […]

Thank you Mom! And a Pampers giveaway


Since becoming a mom I truly understand when people say “they would do anything for their kids”. I totally get it, because I would do anything for my kids. Jump in front of a car for them? Of course! Bail them out of a bad situation? 100%. Be their biggest cheerleader? I already am! When […]