Dear Princess Peach and Little Dude, Congrats on completing Grade 3 and Grade 1!!!! This year you both started at a new school. I remember the first day of school so clearly. It was nerve wrecking. Probably more so for me than you but our entire family was nervous on your first day. You only knew […]
Happy 6th birthday, Little Dude!
The sweet spot of parenting
We’ve banned TV during the week
Today you are 4
No more bottles
Three years ago, as I was weaning Little Dude from breast-feeding, I did something that I thought was ok, but my pediatrician and husband disagreed. I introduced a bottle. Little Dude was obsessed with my breasts for one week shy of 13 months. He would pull my shirt down in music class just to take a […]
Why I’m excited for my son to play t-ball
That time another mom laughed at me
Princess Peach’s school dismisses the Kindergarten students at 3:20PM which is 10 minutes before the rest of the students at the school. Right after dismissal Princess Peach likes to play around in the school yard and we often make our way over to the playground so Princess Peach can play with her friends. But, a […]