I where my BOGS contest #IwheremyBOGS


The weather is changing quickly in Toronto now. The trees have changed colours and the ground is covered with fallen leaves. I always get sad this time of year because summer is now a distant memory and I never know what type of winter we are going to get. I try not to complain about […]

My love/hate relationships with online buy and sell groups

Dear Moms and Dads in buy and sell groups, I’m a mom and I like nice things. I like my kids to have nice things. I’m sure you like your kids to have nice things too. I like to save money when it comes to my kids because most of the clothes I buy them, […]

My kids are #AromaKidz and how yours can be too

 A few weeks ago, Princess Peach was off school for the first P.D. (Professional Development) Day of the school year. She had a great day planned with a play date at a friend’s house in the morning and then a play date at another friends house in the afternoon.  In between her two play dates, […]