Brushing 101

Happy Halloween! This is the day my kids (as well as others) have been looking forward to for a long time! Little Dude has had his costume since August and he is going as Marshall from Paw Patrol. Princess Peach knew she wanted to be a princess and decided to go as Ariel from the […]

My kids are the best medicine

Dealing with cancer is difficult. But when you have cancer and young children, it is very difficult. Since my diagnosis, I have made an effort not to talk about my cancer, appointments or treatments in front of my children. I want their lives to stay as normal as possible and I think it has. Sure […]


Last Friday I started radiation. It’s now become my “job” for the next 25 business days. So far I have completed 3 treatments and have 22 left to go!   It was a longer wait between surgery and the start of radiation than anticipated. My tumor was on the left side and that is the […]

Four ways to play with your kids indoors #giveaway #PlayAdvocate

The weather is starting to change and the amount of time that we are able to spend outside is sadly decreasing. The cold weather and winter will be here before we know it! My job as a parent gets a little more complicated in the winter time as I have to make sure we have […]

Renee No-Boobs is A-ok!

On August 24, I underwent my double mastectomy. I said goodbye to my breasts in this post. I cried the night before, I took pictures to remember them, I snuggled my kids against them and said goodbye to my bras. I had never undergone major surgery where I would be sedated. That totally freaked me […]

3 reasons why you should take your kids to a Toronto FC game

A few weeks ago my family and I went to our very first Toronto FC game. We were invited for a special media event and it was a first professional soccer game for all of us and we were all so excited. The Hubster and I are huge sports fans and love exposing the kids […]