To my kids: why we chose daycare

Dear Princess Peach and Little Dude, You dad grew-up with a nanny. I grew-up with a nanny. In fact, my nanny that I grew-up with still lives with my parents and you consider her to be a very important person in your lives. You don’t know yet that she has known me since I was […]

Catching up on award winning movies on Netflix #StreamTeam

My sister and I are 21 months apart. My mom always jokes with me that my parents missed out on a lot of pop culture in the 80’s as they were busy raising their kids. Instead of rocking out to Madonna, Prince and Tina Turner they were dancing with us to Mini Pops, Raffi and […]

Fisher-Price 3-in-1 Bounce, Stride & Ride Elephant #fpHotToys

3-in-1 bounce, stride and ride elephant fisher price

The holiday season is in full force now! With less than a month to go, I know many people are heading to the mall, or online to look for the best toys for the kids on their gift list. If you have little ones to buy for you will want to pay close attention! With […]

RBC Avion Holiday Boutique experience #AvionVIP


Up until last year, I would never step foot into a mall after the middle of November. The fear of not finding parking, not finding the items I want, pushy people and just the sheer volume of people all trying to get their holiday shopping done scares me! Last year while on my second maternity […]

Winter Whites Giveaway from Church & Dwight

Church Dwight Winter Whites giveaway

Winter is here, Canada! In Toronto this week, we got that reminder loud and clear when overnight we got a huge dumping of snow. Thankfully, I was well prepared with boots, coats, snowpants, mitts and the like for my entire family! After last winters ice storm, I’m hoping that Old Man Winter will be more […]

Diapering my babes with Pampers #pgmom

Pampers My So-Called Mommy Life

Do you ever have moments when you look through pictures of your kids and realize a trend? Maybe it’s taking too many selfies, or maybe it’s taking too many pictures of when they are asleep, and eating breakfast or playing in the bath? I am guilty of all of them. Recently, when I was looking […]

I popped my Indian food cherry #tkre2014

Up until Monday night, I was an Indian food virgin. Growing up in a huge metropolitan city with every ethnic groups cuisine, many were surprised that I had never eaten it before. Crazy right? My family tended to veer to Italian food as it would please my picky eating sister, my allergies and my families […]

Kinder Holiday #giveaway

Kinder holiday prize pack canada

With the first snowfall of the season in Toronto today, I was reminded that summer is a beautiful memory of the past and the snow and cold are here to stay! It’s crazy to think that it is already mid-November. If you are like me, you have been thinking about the holiday season for a […]

Sleepless in Toronto

sleepless toronto parenting My So-Called Mommy Life

As parents there are many things that we need. More hands, More time. More help. More patience. More coffee. More money. More sleep. MORE SLEEP. I need more sleep. One night (or more) of uninterrupted sleep. Where my head hits the pillow and no one bothers me until the next morning. I think this is […]

TC Mini and getsnacky #review and #giveaway

My So-Called Mommy Life TC Mini

I grew up drinking juice. In fact, I absolutely LOVE juice. I remember as a child cracking open a tin of apple juice and guzzling the whole thing. In. ONE. Day. Yup. If I close my eyes, and imagine it I can taste the juice. So sweet but full of sugar and crap. Recently, my […]