Don’t feel bad mama! 7 things you need to stop feeling guilty about right now! #EndMomGuilt

Mom guilt. We all have it and it seems to start the second our babies are born. You know what it feels like. Second, third, and fourth guessing every decision you make as a parent. Don’t forget the self-doubt and the never-ending the guilt. It’s time-consuming and emotional. Do I buy the bottles that are $6 dollars or $25? If I can’t breast feed, will formula ruin my child? I bought the $100 car seat, maybe I should have spent $400! 
Moms, let’s end mom guilt. These are things you need to stop feeling guilty about immediately!

Throwing out your kids artwork

We all think our kids are the next Picasso or Monet. If we kept every single piece of art they come home with, by the time they are 10 you’ll need to rent a storage space! It’s ok to keep your favourite pieces, take pictures of some others to have a record of it and toss the rest! Once the kiddies are in bed that’s when I toss the marker lines or painted circles in the garbage. Don’t feel bad, mama. They’ll come home with one similar tomorrow!


Not volunteering to be class mom

Never feel guilty about not volunteering to be class mom! Sure, we love our kids but organizing class gifts and class lists can be a job for someone else year after year. Don’t feel bad mama, they’ll be something else for you to volunteer for next week!

Letting your kids watch television or tablets during meals

Sometimes I look around at dinner and after we have played our nightly ritual game of 2 truths and 1 lie, and everyone is glued to their devices or TV. I use to feel guilty but I no longer do. My kids will sit and eat when they are watching something. Often if they aren’t watching something, they are running around not eating. Don’t feel bad mama, they are eating and that’s a win!


Pretending to use the bathroom just to have a few minutes of quiet 

It could be when the kids fight or just when mommy needs a break, but pretending to be going to the bathroom so mommy can have a few minutes of quiet is necessary! No need to feel guilty about it at all. Those precious few minutes give us a chance to collect ourselves and get back to whatever we were doing. Sometimes mama needs a time out too!

Being excited for Monday morning at 9 am

Yup, that’s me with the huge smile at school drop off Monday morning and no, I don’t feel guilty about it! Our weekend was great but I love getting back to our regular schedule. Don’t feel bad mama. As excitedly as our kids are to walk through the school doors on Monday morning, it’s ok to be excited to have quiet at 9 am!

Skipping pages and ad-libbing during story time.

I love books. I love reading books to my kids but on those days when my kids are being difficult at bedtime or are going to bed way too late, this mama has some tricks up her sleeve. When they beg for a story, and I oblige and oops, my fingers tend to flip a few pages at a time. Usually they don’t notice and sometimes they do. On those occasions when they do notice, I ad-lib the story to speed it up a little. Don’t feel guilty, mama. We all do it! Gotta get those kiddies to sleep!

Feeding my kids frozen meals

I like to cook but not every night. My kids also don’t enjoy eating what I like to cook. They have a very limited list of foods that they will eat. One food they both love are noodles. Once in a while I will throw a frozen meal into the oven as it’s fast and incredibly convenient. A study done by ConAgra Foods showed that 77% of moms see the food they give as an expression of their love and affection for their kids. I know I do! It doesn’t matter if I’m making a fancy meal or pancakes, but there is time, sweat and love put into all of my meals! Marie Callender’s new line of frozen entrees offer parents just like me, an easy option that the kids are sure to love! Not only is there a great variety with six available options, but they are made with wholesome ingredients. They are readily available in the frozen food section of most grocery stores and retail between $6.99 and$7.49.  If you are in a hurry, the entrees are microwaveable and you can have dinner on the table in under 15 minutes!

The choices available are:

  • Hearty Three Meat Marinara
  • Creamy White Mac
  • Creamy Chicken Alfredo
  • Chicken Lasagna
  • Three Meat Lasagna
  • Scalloped Potatoes in a Creamy Cheese Sauce with Ham


Not only has Marie Callender’s created delicious entrees but they’ve also released this video that all moms are sure to relate to. I know I can! When I watched, it was like I was getting a virtual hug from all the moms in the video. Parenting is stressful and we all feel guilty. I could relate to what each mom was saying. When I had Princess Peach, I too expected to make homemade purees but after her spitting out the organic peas that I spent way too much time cooking and pureeing, I went to jarred baby food which she gobbled up. Did I feel guilty? Sure, I did. Did she turn out fine? Of course she did! We are all doing our best so don’t feel guilty, mama and watch this video!

Join in the #EndMomGuilt conversation at Marie Callender’s Facebook page. You can watch all of the #EndMomGuilt videos here.

Disclosure: I received compensation for participating in the Marie Callender’s #EndMomGuilt campaign. All of the opinions and pictures in this post are my own.




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