Three years ago, as I was weaning Little Dude from breast-feeding, I did something that I thought was ok, but my pediatrician and husband disagreed. I introduced a bottle. Little Dude was obsessed with my breasts for one week shy of 13 months. He would pull my shirt down in music class just to take a […]
Playtex and Babies R Us Giveaway!!! #babyshower
August 2, 2012 By 1 Comment
We are all mom enough!!!
July 10, 2012 By 6 Comments
Remember this cover? If you don’t then you must have hidden under a rock or your head must have been in the clouds!!! When this cover hit newsstands the publicity that surrounded it was insane! This cover was splattered all over the news, blogs, magazines etc. You name it, they were talking about it. I even fed […]