Be Passionate and Spirited with Merida #DreamBigPrincess


Princess Merida is a very spirited Scottish Princess from Disney Pixar’s film, Brave. Princess Merida is not like all the other princesses and no matter what her mother tries to do to teach her to be a perfect princess, she just wants to be herself. She is most passionate and skilled archer and is most […]

Be ambitious with Tiana #DreamBigPrincess

Tiana #DreamBigPrincess

This month’s Disney Princess feature is Tiana. Unlike most of the other Disney Princess’, Tiana isn’t born into a royal family. As a child, she and her father loved to cook together, and she made a wish to own a restaurant one day. She continued to wish and decided to make her dream into a reality. […]

Be adventerous with Rapunzel #DreamBigPrincess

  “Like everybody else I’ve got a dream” -Rapunzel From as early as I can remember, I have loved Disney. I love everything about it; the princesses, the magic, the music and the stories. Disney Princesses are some of the most iconic characters in the world and their stories have been shared from generation to […]

Princess Peach reviews Disney Jr’s Rainbow Dazzle Minnie

Rainbow Dazzle Minnie

Disney has always been a part of my life including some of  my earliest memories! My mom use to sing my sister and a personalized version of the Mickey Mouse Club March Song as a bedtime song. Instead of singing “M-I-C-K-E-Y……” she changed it to “Now it’s time to say goodnight to the Kaiman family, […]

Amazing deals at the Pop Toy and Gift Sale

Holiday shopping is in full swing! The malls, and stores are packed with enthusiastic (or not) shoppers trying to cross off all the people on their shopping lists. I’m all about shopping early and getting a good deal. Often with the expense of buying for so many people, the price of the holiday season can […]

Fisher-Price 3-in-1 Bounce, Stride & Ride Elephant #fpHotToys

3-in-1 bounce, stride and ride elephant fisher price

The holiday season is in full force now! With less than a month to go, I know many people are heading to the mall, or online to look for the best toys for the kids on their gift list. If you have little ones to buy for you will want to pay close attention! With […]

Tiggly Shapes review and giveaway

My kids are very blessed that they have more toys than they could ever play with in a day. They also have a large variety of toys from natural wooden toys to battery-powered educational toys. Being that my husband and I consider ourselves quite techy, it’s no wonder they my kids are into technology as […]

Barbie Express Your Style Contest (Canada)

Growing up Auntie Beige and I had a lot of Barbies. Like A LOT. I think when we packed them away many, many moons ago the total count of our combined Barbies was 77! See, that’s a LOT of Barbies. We loved our Barbies. We had the dream house, the convertible, the horse and the […]

Magformers Light Show Review and Giveaway

Princess Peach, for an almost 2.5 year old has a spectacular imagination. She loves playing make-believe with anything she can. We have tea parties with Tupperware, re-enact parts of her favourite sports and music classes and things that happen at school like circle time, getting all the kids to line up and music time. This […]

Power a smile with Duracell and Hasbro- giveaway #pgmom

There is so much wonder and excitement watching a child open a present for the holidays. But, there is something awful when their excitement turns so sadness when their toy didn’t come with batteries and they can’t play with it!  Obviously adding batteries at the store slipped the mind of the gift giver. I’m sure the scene that […]