Dear Princess Peach and Little Dude, You dad grew-up with a nanny. I grew-up with a nanny. In fact, my nanny that I grew-up with still lives with my parents and you consider her to be a very important person in your lives. You don’t know yet that she has known me since I was […]
429 days of memories
The 5 types of daycare parents
It gets better
We are now officially just over 2 months into our “new” routine. I really miss being at home and spending all day with Princess Peach, but that could alone could fill pages, and pages of my blog. Back to our “new” routine. The first two weeks of our transition were horrible. I’m not gonna lie. Princess Peach would freak out when […]
Packing for overnight camp….umm I mean daycare
September 4th was a dreaded day in our household. Not only did I go back to work after being off of work for over 13 months but I was starting a new job, The Hubster was starting a new job at a new school and Princess Peach was starting daycare. When I went for my one daycare visit with Princess Peach (The […]