Catching up on award winning movies on Netflix #StreamTeam

My sister and I are 21 months apart. My mom always jokes with me that my parents missed out on a lot of pop culture in the 80’s as they were busy raising their kids. Instead of rocking out to Madonna, Prince and Tina Turner they were dancing with us to Mini Pops, Raffi and Sharon, Lois and Bram. I can say that I can totally relate! While I am totally up-to-date on today’s music, I am years behind on movies. It’s actually embarrassing. I love seeing movies in the theatre but since having kids I have only seen three movies in the theatre. I saw one right before Little Dude’s arrival, one movies for mommies with Princess Peach and yesterday I saw a movie screening ALONE!


On a Saturday night a few weeks ago, The Hubster and I put the kids to bed early and decided that we would watch a movie on Netflix. Usually we watch TV series or documentaries but instead decided to watch the 2014 Academy Award  winner, 12 Years a Slave. The story follows Solomon Northrup, who is a free black man in upstate New York. He is kidnapped and sold into slavery. I don’t want to give the movie away, but if you haven’t seen this movie yet, you must! It’s heart-wrenching and fabulous all in one. And well the acting is just phenomenal.

Here are some other award-winning and award nominated movies that you can find on Netflix if you have missed out on them over the past few years. Enjoy!

The Wolf of Wall Street Netflix #streamteam

 The Artist Netflix





 Disclosure: I am a Netflix Canada #StreamTeam ambassador and as part of my affiliation I receive special perks.


  1. loriag says:

    We love Netflix and 12 Years a Slave was an awesome movie.

  2. loucheryl says:

    We use Netflix every day in our home!

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