We are now officially just over 2 months into our “new” routine. I really miss being at home and spending all day with Princess Peach, but that could alone could fill pages, and pages of my blog. Back to our “new” routine. The first two weeks of our transition were horrible. I’m not gonna lie. Princess Peach would freak out when getting into the car in the morning, and then she would cry hysterically when we dropped her off at daycare. You would think pick-up would be stress free, right? Wrong! It was horrible. She would scream and freak out when she saw us. I’m pretty sure she thought that we were leaving her and never coming back.
During the first two weeks The Hubster and I constantly questioned our decision. We thought Princess Peach was the “ideal” daycare kid as she loves people and other children but seeing how upset she was made us upset. There were a few mornings that I would cry seeing the daycare because I knew how upset she would get. The Hubster and I had several lengthy discussions regretting our decision and wondering if we should pull Princess Peach out of daycare. We decided to stay put and see how the next few months went and if it was still horrible at Christmas time we would need to re-evaluate.
Over time, things eventually changed. Getting into the car became less of a battle, and Princess Peach seemed to understand going to daycare. Sure, we had to use some bribery but eventually that stopped too. Who knew President’s Choice Organic Fruit Snacks would work as a bribe?? Now everyone knows my secret 🙂
The mornings are hectic and continue to be hectic but we are managing. It’s pretty much eat, get dressed, and leave the house usually in a mad dash all before 7:30 am. Pick-up became pleasant as well. Then around 3 weeks ago, things totally changed. Princess Peach was blowing kisses to her daycare teachers. She would go from my arms to theirs, she was happy to see them, happy to see her friends and pick and drop off were a breeze. These days she could care less about even saying goodbye to us. The second she sees her friends upon her arrival she is literally off and running to them to play! It’s really wonderful to see.
In turn, The Hubster and I now feel very confident that we made the best decision. She is learning so much and daily we see a difference! We also get a weekly emailed newsletter from her daycare to highlight what she learned the previous week. We both really look forward to the email and love seeing her in “action” in the newsletter pictures. Although Princess Peach has a few words, her receptive language is incredible. She understands EVERYTHING! She can follow multi-step instructions and follows directions so nicely. We totally credit most of this to all the stimulation that she is getting at daycare.
So, for all of you parents out there who are making the transition from being at home to daycare it’s hard at first but I promise it gets better!
How was your childs transition to daycare?
Thank you for this update. I still think I’ll make my fiance drop my daughter off (because I will cry regardless if she will), but it’s nice to know an approximate time period for adjustment.
Happy to hear Princess Peach is now loving daycare!
Sarah, I wish someone had given me an approx 6 weeks transition time. I guess I thought it she would instantly be ok. But, now all is well so that’s what matters!
Sadly, I’m sure you will crying whether or not you drop her off 🙂 I know I was!
I ma now a stay at home mom, but right after I had my first within 7 weeks I returned to my teaching job. I think the adjustment to daycare was harder for at that point having to leave my itty, bitty baby. So from that experience and truly relate and so happy Princess is doing so well.
Janine, I could not imagine returning to teach at 7 week PP! that’s insane! How did you function? I just started functioning again around 8 week PP when I finally started to feel like myself. Wow! Thanks, I’m really pleased with how well she is doing now.
I honestly don’t know how I functioned when I think back, because my oldest had colic and was not a good sleeper at all. I would be up with her half the night and she would finally settle down around 3 am. I would get about 2-3 hours of sleep and then have to be up for work. It was awful. My second thankfully was an awesome sleeper, but this is why I am not having anymore, because god forbid I get worse than my first in the sleep department, they may have had to commit me, lol!!
oops, Reneé, your ABA is showing… Love the reference to rec. language and following multiple step instructions. 🙂 too bad there isn’t a bring your kid to work so everyone can love her day. I might propose that to Mitch!
I can’t hide my ABA all the time!!! I have to judge her appropriately 🙂 I would love a bring your kid to work day…..