In late June, I took the plunge (pun, intended)and toilet trained Princess Peach. I prepped Princess Peach long and hard about the “diaper fairies” coming to our house one night and taking away her diapers. They would then deliver them to babies who needed them. She never clued in that the other “baby” was her […]
Princess Peach, Passover Break and Netflix #StreamTeam
March 20, 2014 By 10 Comments
Potty Training Prep
January 12, 2014 By 2 Comments
Now that Princess Peach’s bottles are gone thanks to the amazing Bottle Fairies, we have been talking a lot about the Diaper Fairies. You know these little ladies who come at night, collect all the diapers, and give them away to babies who need them? I guess in our house they will be replacing diapers […]