Sometimes you just have to laugh

We are now officially 6 weeks into our “newish” routine and things are getting better-ish. I use “ish” because there are some kinks everyday but that is to be expected at this point. Some days are better than others and some days I feel like I could cry….although I have yet to cry! So maybe […]

The Walmart Pampers Stork is landing! #PampersStork

Walmart Pampers Stork delivery

When I was pregnant the first time, I eagerly signed up for a pre-natal class with a friend. I was so excited to learn everything about baby; what to expect during my pregnancy, what will happen to me during labour, and what to do with baby once he/she arrives. There was one class that I […]

Mama’s got her bed back!

Princess Peach has been a pretty great sleeper since she was born. I’ve shared this before but when I was pregnant I said that I would never and could never co-sleep with my baby or child. I was adamant. Well, once she arrived and I was desperate for sleep I made a few accommodations. For […]

A birthing experience redefined

On July 17 at 12:11 pm, baby boy arrived into our world. How he got here was the complete opposite of Princess Peach’s entry into this world. My birthing experience with him was such a pleasure. When I found out I was pregnant I was so into having a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) delivery. […]

Life with 2

Little Dude has been here for 19 days. So far, so good. Often it feels as though he has always been apart of our family and other days it’s hard to believe that he arrived so recently. Life with 2 kids is: -busy -tiring -fun?? (fun-ish so far) Life with 2 kids means: -there is […]

Music with Nancy- review and giveaway

When Princess Peach was a few months old, a friend invited me to a music class that she was hosting at her home with Nancy. To be honest, I had never heard of Nancy then but I eagerly signed up as I loved that Princess Peach would be exposed to music at such an early […]

Princess Peach’s Pick- Her Monkey

Prior to Princess Peach’s arrival when I was reading a few books, blogs and articles many of them suggested to incorporate some sort of lovey into your child’s bedtime routine around 4 months of age or older. Introducing a lovey at some point into her life was inevitable. We got some beautiful blankets when Princess […]

Look who is PTPA’s newest Blogaholic!

That would be me 🙂 I’m so thrilled to be PTPA’s ( Parent Tested, Parent Approved) newest Blogaholic. I can’t wait to share more wonderful reviews, products and stories with you through PTPA! If you haven’t signed up already to be a tester, you should because it’s free! They have wonderful and exciting testing opportunities […]

30-day Photo Challenge Completed! #PGmom

Today the P&G mom 30-day photo challenge ended. Here is my recap from the past 10 and final days! It was an amazing challenge and I’m so happy I took part in it! Everyday I loved thinking of how to incorporate the word into a picture and really enjoyed following along my fellow P&G mom […]

The ban on the eternal 4 year-old bald cartoon character

  Until Princess Peach was around a year old The Hubster and I didn’t want her exposed to screens. This included TV, iPad, computers etc. We spent the first year of her life playing, singing, listening to music, reading books and just interacting with one another all the time! Then she became mobile and diaper […]