Prior to Princess Peach’s arrival when I was reading a few books, blogs and articles many of them suggested to incorporate some sort of lovey into your child’s bedtime routine around 4 months of age or older. Introducing a lovey at some point into her life was inevitable. We got some beautiful blankets when Princess Peach was born that I tried to attach to her but she would have nothing to do with them as a comfort item. Now, however she is attached to a blanket that says her name on it for bedtime. I wanted to introduce a blanket to her as, wait for it, I still sleep with mine. Yes, at 32 years of age, my “nummie” as I call it still goes with me wherever I go for sleepovers. It has been to overnight camp, it was with me on my wedding night, it was under my head as I delivered Princess Peach in the ER. You get the idea.
When Princess Peach made it clear that she didn’t want a blanket as her comfort item I went and searched for a “cute” animal lovey that she would become attached to. I found a very cute monkey lovey. It’s in the shape of a diamond with one corner a monkey head and the other three corners knotted. She instantly fell in love with it and I was thrilled. So thrilled so that I was so worried that if we ever lost one she would be devastated. I should know, as I’ve had a few close calls to losing my nummie. The most recent was on a flight coming back from NYC and a friend had to rescue it in Montreal! Yup…..anything for a baby blanket 🙂 So off to the store I went and I bought 6. Yes, insane me bought SIX monkeys. The things we do for our kids right?
This is Princess Peach’s beloved monkey or gunkey as she now calls it. Angel Dear is the company that makes them.
See this is how much she loves her monkey!
Do your kids have a lovey or something that they are attached to at bedtime?
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