Wordless Wednesday

So important! No matter what age people are everyone needs praise and here are 101 ways to do it! Technically this post is not wordless but I’m sharing it anyways 🙂

Z if for………..

There is nothing more fun than teaching a child his/her letters! The alphabet is so much fun to teach because letters are all around us from the “S” in a stop sign to finding letters on a Cheerios box the options are endless.  With alphabet books you can teach your children to identify their letters both […]

Colour your world

We’ve all been there. You are colouring a picture and you hear a crack. Your amazing coloured burnt sienna crayon has broken in half. So you pick outrageous orange from the box and continue colouring in the picture. But what do you do with that poor broken crayon that is sitting on the table? Well, I […]

My latest purchases

A friend suggested that I post what I bought yesterday at the Mastermind Toy Warehouse Sale. So here are some of the items purchased and why I bought them! Little Kids The Original No-Spill Bubble Tumbler is a must for the summer! You can turn it upside down and the bubbles won’t fall out! This […]

My Childhood Library

There are many things when having a baby that lets you relive parts of your childhood. For me one part of reliving my childhood is through books. I have very fond memories of going with my mom and sister to buy books, and reading those books over and over again. There is something very comforting […]