A test of patience

The last 7.5 weeks have been trying to say the least. Little Dude is going through a rough patch that we just can’t seem to shake. The current state of affairs is that he needs to literally be attached to me ALL day. If he’s not in my arms he’s screaming hysterically. And he DOES.NOT.STOP! My baby who is so serious is having a serious problem. We’ve talked to the doctor about it. He just think he needs to be sleep trained. Other people have said separation anxiety. I don’t think that’s the problem because he can’t physically separate from me when I’m sitting beside him. It’s very severe, and brutal mommyitis. Whatever the issue is, it’s exhausting, overwhelming and stressful 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for over 7 weeks now.

It’s crazy to think how different two children are. Princess Peach was a very easy baby and for the most part she is a very easy toddler. She always went with the flow, napped wherever, slept, went to other people and was just so content. Little Dude for the most part has been an easy baby up until now. The first few months of his life he was laid back, slept a lot and was just happy. He has been extremely suspicious of people since day 1. If he doesn’t know you, you really have to win him over first before he warms up to you. So maybe part of me should have seen this coming? I’m not sure. I’m also not sure (and no one shoot me here) but i really think there is a difference between a breastfed child vs. bottlefed. I’m not going to get into a heated debate here because my only study is MY two kids, but Princess Peach was bottle fed and was fed by many people and never went through this extreme attachment. Little Dude stopped taking a bottle, won’t take formula (in anything) is attached to me as I’m his food. Thankfully now he is eating solids so I AM able to leave him for a few hours but he still needs me to feed him after that.

Baby in Beco Baby Carrier Gemini

Thank goodness for my Beco Baby Carrier. I don’t know how I would have lasted the last 7.5 weeks without it. I have also enjoyed baby carrying but this carrier has been imperative to my sanity and my being able to do things. So here is my HUGE  shout out to Beco Baby Carriers. Thank you for making an amazing product where I can carry my baby in the front, outwards and on my back.

I’m hoping that this hell phase will be over soon and in years to come I will be able to look back at this time and cry laugh about this period in our life.

Have any of your kids have extreme mommyitis? Any words of wisdom or advice you can share?


  1. Darlene Schuller says:

    Patience, patience & more patience. What a tough thing to have to deal with. I wish I had a magic solution or easy answers, or..any answer. I don’t. I wish you all the best and hope this phase passes a lot faster then it seemingly doing!

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