Wordless Wednesday- Best Buds

This week, Princess Peach and Little Dude have yet again been inseparable. They want to do EVERYTHING together! It’s really amazing to watch their friendship grow and how much love they have for one another!



  1. Awwwww! They do look like they’re the best of friends! Love seeing siblings get along so well!

  2. multitestingmommy says:

    Warms my heart – little cuties!

  3. That reminds of when my oldest two were those ages! Makes me a little nostalgic for that easier time 🙂 Such special moments between siblings.

  4. My two boys, ages 1.5 and 3 are like that. They are always wrestling and running around together. It always warms my heart to see them together.

  5. That is great that they have such a bonded relationship.

    • mscmommylife says:

      Thanks Randa. Before the baby was born I was so worried about how she was going to react. So far so good!

  6. mommyoutside says:

    That is awesome. My mom tells me my older brother and I were like that as youngsters too….so she says…

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