A Leap of Faith!

Sensory development class toronto set upI did it!

I’ve hemmed and hawed over this idea I’ve had for a while. Maybe, like a few years while, but still. A long time. I’ve played this entire venture out in my head many, many, many times. And I never took that leap. I was held back by fear, by the unknown. Would people want to come? Would they like it? What exactly would I do with them?

In the summer I decided that I was going to do it. Take this HUGE leap of faith and hope that everyone around me loves it as much as I do!

So what exactly am I talking about?

Running classes for babies and children. Sensory based development classes.

Today I held my first two classes! I was so pleased how it worked out! I met lots of cute babies and their very loving and nice parents. We sang, did art, played with sensory bottles, and a ball pit to name a few. I have some changes to make over time and things to tweak but to me, it was a total success!

To be frank, I’m proud of me. I put my mind to something. I planned a curriculum, made materials, set everything up and ran a class 🙂 Yay! Go me 🙂

I can’t thank all of my friends and family who have been amazingly supportive! I really appreciate everyone’s support more than you know while I get this little business up and running.

So for everyone out there who has an idea. Don’t be afraid. Take that leap of faith!

Like the famous line from the movie, Field of Dreams “If you build it, he will come”


  1. loren416 says:

    This is nice Renee! Congratulations.

  2. Sara says:

    So nice, Renee! Congrats!

  3. Congrats Renee!!!

  4. mom2michael says:

    I am so proud of you! You have these skills and this passion and you’re charting your own course now. Yay!!!

  5. Maya Fitz says:

    Yay for you is right! Congrats! This is right up your alley.

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