Wordless Wednesday- Newspaper Surprise!

This morning we woke up to a very exciting call from my mother-in-law. There is a picture of Princess Peach in the national newspaper! She said the little girl looked like Princess Peach and when she read the caption, it was her! Obviously we went out a bought a few copies!




  1. Sarah Lynn says:

    That’s awesome! What a great shot. She’ll love seeing this when she’s older.

  2. I love it! She’s so pretty!

  3. Cheryl says:

    Woohoo! What a fun unexpected surprise!

  4. Trisha says:

    That’s awesome! Was she excited?

    • mscmommylife says:

      I`m not too sure! She knew it was a picture of her and I think she was only excited because we were making a big about it

  5. mrsbubsmith says:

    awe she will love that! what a great keepsake
    thanks for linking up at inmy30sanditstime.com 🙂

  6. loriag says:

    What a pretty little princess indeed! Always fun when the kids make the paper.

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