Little Dude turned 5 months yesterday. I have no idea where the time went. It feels like he’s been in our family forever, yet it’s only been a short 5 months. Even though he was sick over his 5 month birthday, he still co-operated for a mini photo shoot! We are so blessed to have him in our lives. He is such a wonderful baby who has smiles for everyone!
Wordless Wednesday- 5 months of Little Dude
December 18, 2013 By 11 Comments
Awwww! He is absolutely precious! What a great idea to document using the same shirt with each month highlighted! So cute.
Thank you! It took me forever to pick the “right” stickers but I love them
They go from infant to crawler to toddler to preschooler too fast! My youngest just turned 2 and while I am not pining for more kids, I am quite nostalgic for those first few months of life. He’s a real cutie!
Thanks Tabitha!
Super cute! I had little shirt numbers like that for my youngest but I lost months 9-12 somewhere so we missed out on those.
haha I keep the stickers in an envelope in a safe spot so hopefully I don’t lose them.
He’s growing up fast!
Way too fast for my liking! They are so small for such a short period of time.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this idea. I which I had taken pictures of my kids when they were babies. I only have a few… I can hardly wait for next month.
Thanks Margarita! For my daughter we printed up themed pages each month. But every month we would forget and it became a hastle. I love that these stickers are so convenient and match. I love that he will have his monthly bdays documented for his first year of life!
It’s amazing how fast the time flies isn’t it??? He’s beautiful!