Dear Princess Peach,
Happy 6th birthday (yesterday) my sweets. I can’t believe that you are six years old. The nine months I was pregnant with you felt like a life time and here you are 2,190 days later and it seems that all I did was blink to get to today!
You are smart, spunky, and sassy. You have a boundless amount of energy. I call you my Energizer Bunny because you keep going and going! You love being right and knowing everything (even if you don’t). You have an opinion on everything and you have an incredible memory. You are sensitive and empathetic to those around you. Your sense of direction for a little kid is amazing and you notice local landmark easily that you always know where you are. You are very social and love playing with your friends. Your imagination is awesome. You are so creative and always can figure out a game to play or a new and creative spin on an old game. You tried playing girls hockey this year and although you completed the year, you don’t want to do it again. And that’s ok, because you have so many other interests. You love arts and crafts, playing games, but most of all you love dance.
Dance is something that is in your soul. You dance from the moment you wake up in the morning until you go to bed at night. You love to choreograph dances for us and your moves have gotten progressively better and more creative. Each year that you have danced, you have added one more hour to your weekly schedule. This past year you took 3 consecutive hours-ballet, tap and jazz. You LOVED it. Most kids would be exhausted after three hours of dance, but you would come home and show us what you learned and make up dances. You love dancing to Uptown Funk, Better When I’m Dancin’, Despacito, Beauty and the Beast and others.
You continue to call yourself a “vegetarian” but you eat fish sticks, and chicken fingers. You are a picky eater who has taken some risks to try new foods this year. You favourite foods are grilled cheese, scrambled eggs, pasta with butter and Parmesan cheese, egg party sandwiches and yogurt. You eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. But most of all you have a sweet tooth. Wow! If we let you eat everything you wanted each day, it would be all junk. There was one day this year that you sneaked into the pantry after school and ate an entire row of cookies. You had a horrible stomach ache after and I think you learned your lesson.
You have fallen in love with all things unicorn, emoji, anything sparkly and colourful. You love the colour “golden” and “rainbow”. Your love of tutus has not wavered and you love wearing dresses. In the summer however, you only want to walk around a bikini and if it were up to you, that is all you would wear every day. You love getting your straightened and going to get manicures and pedicures (as a special treat). If it was up to you, you would wear a full face of makeup to school! I had to keep reminding you that little kids in SK don’t wear makeup or lip gloss to school! People continue to stop you to comment on the colour of your hair and eyes! They really are amazing.
You love school. You love to learn and have a desire to learn all about the world around you. You adored your teachers and loved being an “SK leader” to the younger JK’s in your class. Your reading exploded this year. You were doing great and at grade level and just after March Break something clicked and you are now reading small chapter books. You adore reading and I’ve started collecting Baby Sitter’s Club Little Sister books for you. I love re-reading them all with you. It’s very special. You also like writing letters. Everyday when I go through your backpack, you always had at least 2 letters from friends. It’s really sweet watching you write your letters and trying to figure out how to spell and sound out words. You also really like math and are good at it. You love daddy and I giving you math problems to solve! I only hope that you love of learning continues this year in grade 1 and for many years to follow. As every Jewish mother does, I tell you to be a doctor, or a veterinarian because you are amazing with animals. You always tell me that you want to be a teacher and a dance teacher. I joke with you that maybe you can be a doctor who dances. Whatever, you end up doing, daddy and I just hope that it makes you happy.
Your brother is your best friend and he is SO lucky to have you as his big sister. You always worry about him and always make sure his is included in everything you do. When you are not together and you get something, you always make sure you get one for him too. He does the same for you. It’s so amazing to watch how you each look out for each other at such a young age. Now that you are reading, Little Dude loves letting you read to him. I know you are so excited to be at the same school again! It’s been 2 years since you’ve been together and I know you will look out for him everyday and find him in the Kindergarten playground. I can only hope that as you grow older, your relationship will stay as special as it is today.
We don’t talk much about me being sick anymore, but I was surprised when I came to school to read your portfolio at the end of the year and you wrote a journal entry about being sad because I was sick. It totally broke my heart. I don’t want you or your brother to worry about my well-being. A child your age should never worry about their parents health. I’m sorry that you even have to think of it. I can only hope that having a mother who was sick but is now better, makes you a more caring and empathetic person. And just like I write every year, these letters are my love letters to the two of you should anything ever happen to me. I want to you know how proud I am of you- yesterday, today, tomorrow and always.
Keep being you my darling. You are so special and I love you more than the whole wide world and back again.
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