Photo Challenge Check in #2 #PGmom

So the P&Gmom 30-day Photo Challenge is 2/3’s of the way finished! I really can’t believe it. When I got to day 15 I felt a huge sense of relief and accomplishment. I might not have completed all 30 days yet, but thinking about the word and what picture I will choose to capture the word, and then posting it to Twitter and Instagram daily is a LOT of work! But SO much fun! I haven’t participated in a photo challenge before so this has been such a great experience! I love the creativity behind capturing the daily word in a picture. I also love following my fellow P&Gmom’s as well as others to see how they have interpreted the word of the day

If you haven’t been following along yet, the challenge is to take a picture to capture the daily word that P&G has provided for us. Here is a list of the daily words:

























Below are my pictures from Day 12-Day 20. Be sure to check out what I posted from Day 1-Day 11 here.





































































































































If you haven’t been following along yet, make sure to check out #MonthofMom on Twitter to see everyone’s amazing pictures! If you are participating in the challenge feel free to post your Twitter handles so everyone can follow along! Happy Posting 🙂


I am a P&Gmom. As part of my affiliation with this group, I have been offered compensation to participate in the #MonthOfMom 30-day photo challenge. The views, opinions and photographs expressed on this blogs and in my social networks are my own.


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