I love watching the Olympics. It’s truly amazing. All of these athletes coming together from all over the world to compete in front of the world’s eyes. They have been chosen to represent their country as they are the “best” in their specific sport. Yes, it’s exciting to watch them but there are many lessons to be taken from the Olympics. Many of these lessons I hope to instill in Princess Peach. I obviously don’t expect her to be an Olympian (although if she is I would be so proud specifically a gymnast. But no pressure!).
1. Have a good work ethic: It doesn’t matter what the end goal is but if you want to do something you have to work hard to get it. I don’t believe that practice makes perfect. Practice makes better. And the more you practice the better you will become at anything you try!
2. If you commit to it, see it through: If you start something, don’t give up. You might not come in first, but completing it and seeing it through will give you a sense of satisfaction. Oh, and no dr.’s note will ever be allowed to get you out of something…even as big as a race in the Olympics 🙂
3. Have a good attitude: If you are doing something on your own or as a team you always have to have a good attitude. Be a team player. Smile. You have a pretty one.
4. Be a good sport: There will be times that you will be at or near the top and times you will be at or near the bottom. Anywhere is ok as long as you remember to praise your peers. Tell them they did a “good job” on a test or in a game. In sports, your father and I believe to always congratulate the other team/players with a handshake or a high-five. Not doing so will make you a poor sport.
5. Accept defeat: You will be defeated in life. Accept it and move on. It’s ok to be sad about it. Let that drive you to be better.
6. Represent Proudly: From representing a school or country do it smartly and proudly. Remember that you may not think people are watching you, but they are. You want to make whomever you are representing proud of what you are doing.
7. Celebrate: When you ‘win” or do well on something, feel good about yourself. Celebrate. Feel proud for accomplishing a goal. Do a little dance. Maybe a lightening bolt like Usain Bolt?
8. Know I am always you #1 fan: No matter what you do, you will always have your families support. I will always cheer for you and maybe even do a happy dance. Oh, if you become an Olympian the country will be cheering for you too.
What life lessons do you get from the Olympics?
Great life lessons, I love the hope of the olympics, All these people have so much love and hope for what they do it is so inspiring.
Stopping by from the hop 🙂 Fun blog!
Misty @ http://monkeysandtutus.blogspot.com
Thanks so much for stopping by! Just took a peek at your blog! Love the painting with pudding! I did edible finger paint a while ago. It was a blast!
Hello there! Found you on the blog hop! Enjoying your blog!