Did I scare you? No, I’m NOT pregnant!
The Hubster had surgery last Wednesday on his shoulder and his right arm has been immobile in a sling ever since (he is right-handed). This surgery was something that needed to get done. His shoulder popped out of the socket last year while playing hockey. At first we weren’t sure if he would need the surgery but it kept popping out so it was a must. After the surgery, the surgeon came to see us and showed us the before and after pictures. The Hubster had no tendons holding the ball of his shoulder in the socket. So it was most definitely needed! I loved looking at the before and after pictures but it made The Hubster so queasy!
Since last Wednesday I have had three children. I am absolutely exhausted. We don’t have any help so I’m doing it all. Feeding everyone, driving everyone around, cooking for everyone, doing tons of laundry, bathing the kids, and changing everyone’s diapers (The Hubster’s excluded from this one)! It’s non-stop and at times very frustrating. You see, I have had two c-sections which is a much more serious surgery than laproscopic shoulder surgery. I was totally cut open! Yet, I never complained and recovered quickly (aka….within 4 days) and pretty painlessly too. So it’s been frustrating at times because The Hubster can’t do much 🙂 Clearly, I’m a super-person and supermom! haha.
On Tuesday, we are going back to the surgeon so hopefully we will get the all clear for The Hubster to start physiotherapy and hopefully he will be on the mend sooner than later.
Little Dude and I have gotten into our own weekly routine and now The Hubster is infringing joining us on all of our excursions! It’s really funny because The Hubster asks me before we go to sleep what’s the plan for the next day 🙂 I’m not use to him coming and shopping with us. He sees what I’m buying and returning! haha I know Princess Peach and Little Dude are loving the extra time they get with their dad and know that when he returns to work they will be devastated.
Has your partner ever had a surgery that has left you doing everything?
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