Friendly Friday #7

So I’m not sure how exactly Jane ended up as my Facebook friend but long before I started blogging we must have added each other. When I started blogging I happened upon her blog and have been hooked ever since! She is also the first blogging friend that I have met in real life. So it’s been pretty awesome getting to know Jane more. Please check out her blog at because it’s well….awesome and will keep you entertained for hours!

Now a mother of three, Jane writes a blog called Awesome Mommy (, sharing ideas on how to make family life even more awesome. Over the past few years, she has been finding herself doing and saying things that have “Mom” written all over them. Mommies-to-be listen up: this will happen to you too – it’s absolutely unavoidable so brace yourselves.

Here are Jane’s top 10 tell-tale signs that you’re a full-fledged Mom (in case the little humans tugging on your pants shouting “Muh Muh” weren’t enough evidence):

1. A family of four could live for weeks off of the supplies that you have strategically placed in your diaper bag.

2. Your workout routine is comprised of putting your baby down for a nap.

3. You never sleep. Ever. Even if your baby is FINALLY sleeping, you keep checking that he or she is breathing every 15 minutes.

4. The word “bottle” has seemed to have mysteriously disappeared from your vocabulary. It has since been replaced by a concoction of sounds that your baby has managed to string together.

5. You regularly forget to do inane things like shower, eat and take things out of the oven.

6. You try to use ‘baby brain’ in court – hypothetically speaking of course.

7. When spelling something out, you say “M like Mommy”, “B like Baby” and “D like Diaper”.

8. You rock the shopping cart full of groceries and no baby back and forth at the grocery store while waiting at the check-out counter.

9. Your diet is solely comprised of half-eaten Eggo’s, soggy Cheerios, and slobbered on cucumbers.

And her favourite one…

10. You have a fold-able toilet seat in your purse. If you don’t have one of these yet — you will.

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