7 A.M. Baby Shield Giveaway!! #babyshower

From September until May in Canada you can never know what type of weather to expect. Sometimes it snows in October and other times it can feel like summer in March! With the 7 A.M. Baby Shield you will always be ready to product baby from the crazy outside conditions.

The Baby Shield is a two in one product with two interchangeable covers to protect against different weather conditions.  One zippered cover protects from the extreme winter weather while the second zippered cover shields from the windy and moderately windy spring/fall days.

The prize is a Baby Shield from 7 A.M. Enfant. Based upon availability the winner  will be able to request a size and colour.

The giveaway is open to Canada and U.S. The giveaway ends on Aug 24, 2012.


Be sure to check out http://7amenfant.com/shop/baby-shield for more information!

Thank you to Kidsumers (http://www.kidsumers.ca) for organizing this giveaway.

Good luck!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Katie O says:

    Love the zippered mittens!

  2. @YashYanthi says:

    omg those booties. soooo cute! we could totally use the baby shield living in the city we walk everywhere and own no car.. rain, shine or snow!

  3. Trina says:

    Love this! I’m having a winter baby, so this could definitely be useful right away!

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