Fun Facts about moi

So some of my readers know me but for the majority of my readers don’t. ย I thought I would share some fun facts about me so you can get to know me better. Would love for you to comment so I can get to know you better too ๐Ÿ™‚

-my favourite number is four. Mostly because I was born on 4/4. I’ve always thought that was pretty cool

-my husband and I have been marriedย for almost 3 years

Mr. and Mrs!












-we share our wedding anniversary with my parents wedding anniversary and my cousin’s bday

-At 31 and counting, I still sleep with my baby blanket. Every. Single. Night.

-my baby blanket was picture in our first family picture. It came into the OR with me.

My baby blanket is under my head







-I had a rare disease when I was 6 almost 7. I’m lucky that they caught it soon-ish enough that I have no long lasting effects

-i prefer to play sports against boys not girls.

-my husband and I are super competitive with each other (in a good way)

-i LOVE cheese.

-i have deathly allergies to all nuts (not peanuts), all seeds and all fish

-I LOVE musicals

-i enjoy seeing musicals multiple times

-For my twelveth birthday I bought a cd player and as gifts got my first two CDs; Bryan Adams’ “Waking up the neighbougrs” and Paula Abduls “Spellbound”

-Princess Peach was born via emergency c-section 17 hoursย after my water breaking and three hours of pushing!

-i’m addicted to reality tv

-i especially love TLC and their shows about large families; The Duggars, The Jones Family, The Brown Family

-I studied “abroad” at the California State University Sacramento during my third year (the entire school year) of University

-Dirty Dancing is my all-time favourite movie. My second favourite would be Shawshank Redemption

-i work with children who have autism

-i dont’ know why but i don’t have much patience for eldery people

-I’m lucky to have 3 living grandparents (i have patience for them)

-my maternal grandparents are Holocaust survivors

-Lately the idea of taking a hot tub with strangers makes me want to vomit

-I’m a carb lover. I could eat carbs and more carbs all day

-I didn’t know how to do laundry until I went away to University

-In grade 7 I went to the finals in the French public speaking contest at my school.

-I’m addicted to coffee especially Starbucks and my Keurig

-This past year I have been living in yoga pants

-I have a rediculous amount of pajamas.

-In elementary school I loved making mix tapes

-I’m horrible at putting eye makeup on

-I always like to be right.

-it really bothers me when I lose anything

-I always like to know what is happening in the world so I watch the news or read the newspaper online.

-I can’t believe that I have a kid (it constantly boggles my mind in a good way)

-i’m starting to get grey hairs

-I take lots of pride in how Princess Peach is dressed

-I’m quickly becoming addicted to the blogging world.

-I learned to use Twitter and am proud of it!

-I really appreciate every single one of you who take the time out to read this. So Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚





  1. Sophie says:

    Haha, I didn’t know either how to do laundry when I arrived in Sacramento but I thought you had been doing that all your life considering how natural you were! And I start to have white hair too, yuck!!!

    • mscmommylife says:

      Thanks for the compliment Sophie. Who knew I could be so natural at doing laundry ๐Ÿ™‚ Now if I could only figure out how to use bleech. It scares me a little!

  2. Sarah Lynn says:

    My birthday is April 3! And my favourite number is 3. Funny how that works, huh? ๐Ÿ™‚

    PS you look amazing in your hospital pic! I wanted one of Hannah with my OB/GYN (she was on call the day I delivered/was in charge of my c-section). She and Hannah look beautiful. I look like I just entered the hospital from coming off a deserted island that lacked showers and mirrors. I’m keeping it for Hannah’s teenaged years to make her feel guilty when she does something wrong lol.

    • mscmommylife says:

      That’s so funny Sarah Lynn! How else was I to pick my favourite number when I was a kid? On sports jerseys if 4 wasn’t available, 14 became the next best number!
      I never got one with Princess Peach and the OB who delivered me because it’s his fault that I had an emergency C-section (that’s a whole other story)! When I delivered my husbands only job was to take lots of pictures of her right away and amazingly enough he did an amazing job! Lots of great first pics.

      • Sarah Lynn says:

        I’m glad you have a lot of great first pics – and a first family photo. Our first family photo wasn’t taken until she was 6 weeks old! (Must rectify that for the next child). Chris got a shot of her seconds after she was born tho – she hadn’t even been washed yet, still lots of blood :S

        So sorry to hear about your OB. Doubtful this makes you feel any better, but my one of my less-intelligent-than-her-peers nurses actually let my epidural fall out – and she didn’t believe me that anything was wrong for TWO HOURS. Thankfully many people put her in her place afterwards!

        • mscmommylife says:

          Yes, lots of bloody pics for us! haha. I don’t think anyone has seen those ones!
          Just reading about your epidural falling out gave me the chills! And two hours?!!! Does not sound fun! When they put mine in I felt it move to the right side but luckily they fixed it immediately.
          Oh, the joys of childbirth!

  3. AnchelK says:

    I cried when I found my first grey hair (at the age of 23ish). For years my stylist would cut them out of my hair and prevent me from looking down on the ground to see how many there were. I still refuse to dye my hair ๐Ÿ™‚

    Love your comment in taking pride in how your daughter is dressed. I do the same for mine.

    (I’m not as vain as the above comments make me sound, I swear ๐Ÿ™‚

    If Hootie and the Blowfish or Ricky Martin comes on the radio I will not change the station. I’ve never admitted that to anyone other than my husband.

    • mscmommylife says:

      Anchel, I don’t think I can come to dye my hair yet also but I think I might need to. I wear my hair in a centre part and the greys are becoming a little noticable.
      OMG, I LOVE Hootie and the Blowfish also!!! (I won’t tell anyone)

  4. Hudi says:

    I can’t believe how much of that could have been written about me… A few years ago I did the same thing on facebook – 25 facts you don’t know about me… And one of the things I wrote was “I can never eat enough cheese”. I’m glad there’s someone out there like me ๐Ÿ™‚

    • mscmommylife says:

      Hi Hudi! What else do we have in common? If I could not gain weight and get all of my needed noutrients I would and could eat cheese all day! Before baby, I would make a cheese party for dinner ๐Ÿ™‚ Cheeses, breads and olives. Delish!

  5. I love cheese too!

  6. Laura says:

    That was great! I love reading random facts about people. It’s a great way to get to know them a little. I can so relate to you in that I am always amazed/ surprised? that I have a child. I still FEEL like a child. Like you, I am also addicted to coffee and (lately) to blogging. Unlike you, I think I’m quite skilled at putting on eye makeup, thanks to my perfectionist (OCD) tendencies and a steady hand. Unfortunately, I never seem to have the time or the motivation to bother. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • mscmommylife says:

      I love learning random facts about people too! I find it more daunting as she is turning 1 this week that I have a child! haha. Feels like forever ago that I was pregnant! Ooooh, you may have to give me a lesson in eye makeup. When I try I tend to look like a clown.

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